1: Title: Refer to the title of partnership. To view more
information about partnership opportunities, click on "View Partnership".
2: App Title: Refer to the title of the partnership application or
request, when you click on "view full application" under the title,
you can view all information submitted by a potential partner, such as
the application title and description, in addition to the applicant's name, email, and
country. To view more information, click
on "view profile".
App Role: it refers to
the role of your organisation in the parentship application.
App Status: it appears
the status of your partnership application. There are five options of
application status. The project partner can monitor his application status,
pending, accepted, or rejected.
Approved: it means your partnership request or
application is approved
Rejected: indicates
that your partnership request or application is rejected.
- Pending: your partnership request is under review
Cancelled: it means that
your partnership request or application cancelled canceled without any decision
(rejected or approved).
- Required Info: the partnership manager needs more information from you (for example, the applicant's profile was not completed or there is missing info in the application, etc.)
Column 5: Deadline: it refers to the deadline for receiving applications from partners.